Monday, February 19, 2007

"Where It All Began"

I think back to the "defining" event that set me on my course to make the world a better place through mediation.

When I was a public school student in New York City several ice ages ago, we had a paralyzing transit strike. It was strange not to hear the melodic screeching of the subway cars metal wheels as they pulled into the station or the garbled voice of the conductor announcing which stop it was and for all to "keep your hands off the closing doors." Some of my friends older siblings were gleeful as it meant no real tangible way to travel into work or attend high schools or college.

One evening before all the newscasts were of "happy" content, I heard about a man who was working behind the scenes to get things moving in New York City again. His name was Theodore Kheel and amongst other hats that he effortlessly wore, was one of being a mediator.

Subsequently, a few days and trainless nights went by and a settlement was reached. The next morning mass transit gradually replaced the "mess" transit that the hardy New Yorkers were putting up with. This man and this action ingrained a lasting impression in me and if I can take the baton of bargaining and bring it to the finish line in the competition of life, I will feel that my efforts too will be validated!

1 comment:

Love changes everything said...

Well, looks like I just found your blog. Well done good friend. I've read through a few of your posts and it makes me understand you even better. I like you more and wouldn't hesitate to use the services from the man standing in the middle of the teeter totter. (That was one of my favorite places to hang out as a kid in the play yard) You're one of a kind!

Lynn Jones